Early Childhood Development BA/BS
“I am so glad I went through the ECD program at SOU. Once I was accepted, I was able to finish my last two years in exactly two years.” M.H.
Contact: K.C. Sam – 541.552.6936 – samk@sou.edu
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Credit for Prior Learning – Learn More
Early Childhood Development, BA/BS
Who do I talk to if I’m interested in this degree?
You should contact KC Sam at 541.552.6936 .
Where do I take the lower division course work?
You can take your General Ed courses at SOU or at your local community college. It’s important that the lower division (100-200) courses meet SOU’s transfer requirements. For information, visit the General Education Transfer Guide on the transfer agreement page. Use the drop down menu to select the community college you are currently, or plan to attend.
What if I’ve taken classes but was not in an Early Childhood program – where would I start?
The best thing to do is have your transcript evaluated so you get an idea of how many of the general education and pre-requisite courses you have met. We will outline which classes you may still need and work with you to find these classes. There is no cost or obligation for the transcript evaluation. Just email your unofficial transcripts from all your previous college work to KC Sam, samk@sou.edu or fax to 541-552-6287.
When should I start the program or begin working on the Bachelor’s degree?
Ideally, you should begin the coursework during your freshman year combining early childhood courses with your general education requirements. We have transfer agreements with many of the community colleges in northern California and Oregon. The agreements assist students with identifying the required courses. If you decide to begin working on the ECD later in your college career, you would still need to take some lower division early childhood education coursework through your community college. Enrollment at both SOU and community colleges (co-enrollment) is very common and will not affect your financial aid. It is important that if you plan to be enrolled in classes at both a community college and SOU and receive financial aid that you complete a concurrent enrollment form and submit it to your home institution’s financial aid office at least two weeks prior to the beginning of each term. The form is available online. Scroll down the page to Consortium Agreements.
What if I want to be in the online Bachelor’s degree program but do not have the necessary lower division early childhood courses?
An advisor will review your previous coursework and make suggestions on which classes you may still need.
What if I don’t want to delay my graduation by taking the lower division coursework?
You could minor in Education, focusing on ECD courses and majoring in your preferred field.
Can I teach with a Bachelor’s degree in ECD?
Yes, you can teach in early childhood settings such as HeadStart Programs or in private preschools. If you want to teach in public schools, you will need to get a license through an Initial Licensure program: Elementary Education Bachelor’s degree or the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program.
Are any of the lower or upper division ECD courses delivered on the SOU campus?
No, all lower division courses need to be completed at a community college. The upper division courses that make up the core & elective courses for this degree are available only online. The upper division general education courses can be taken on campus or online.
After I earn my degree in ECD, how do I get into the MAT program at SOU?
By letting your advisor know of your plans to pursue the MAT early, they can help you plan your coursework to assure you have completed the necessary prerequisite courses for the MAT. You will still need to go through the process of applying for the MAT and complete requirements for the MAT – for example; Basic Skills exam, letters of recommendation and practicum in public school settings.
If I’m interested in getting my MAT, when should I meet with an advisor?
Ideally, the beginning of your Junior year you should make an appointment to meet with the MAT program advisor in the Education Dept.
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to email KC Sam or call her at 541.552.6936 .
SOU Education Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
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