Professional Development Grant
This grant is available to faculty in the APSOU Collective Bargaining Unit. See the instructions and application links, below, for more information.
Carpenter Grant
These grants support faculty in a variety of endeavors including but not limited to: research projects, conference attendance, workshops, training, scholarship support, and other educational programs etc.
Supplemental Professional Development
The Provost’s PDA Supplemental Support funds provide the last bit of support a faculty member might need to complete a project, attend a conference, purchase specialized equipment, or address other specific professional development needs.
Requests will be considered after a faculty member has secured and identified other funding, which could include: Program S&S, Division support, Carpenter Grants, personal PDA, pooled PDA funds, grants, etc. Requests should be reasonable in size and should support APSOU members (including year-long members). A suggested request size and use might be similar to a faculty member’s annual PDA allocation. These funds will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis.
To submit a request for Supplemental Professional Development please request the form from your School Director.